Consulting and audit
Eco-Adapt supports the engagement of its customer in energy efficiency through a variety of consulting services :
- Energy Audit : Eco-Adapt holds the EN16247 certification required to conduct regulatory audits for buildigs and industrial processes. The thorough and effective methodology deployed by Eco-Adapt’s seasoned audit consultants yields extremely effective results. Eco-Adapt has developed an extensive proprietary database of high impact – low investment initiatives that best meet clients’ expectations.
- Submetering project management : Eco-Adapt brings its expertise in energy monitoring systems to help clients prepare their project. Such preliminary work include : definition of submetering plan based on existing audits, technical inspection of existing meters and networks, elaboration of project’s technical specification
- Remote energy management : Once the monitoring solution is deployed, Eco-Adapt can provide assistance to manage the energy efficiency program. The offer includes weekly or monthly report backed by energy expert’s analysis and real time tracking of consumption anomaly via our monitoring center.

Project Financing
Energy efficiency offers an interesting leverage of external financing. The cash flow of the energy savings can finance the initial investments. Clients with limited capex ressources can still realize savings without initial upfront investment. Eco-Adapt has the methodology and the knowledge to structure such projects.

Custom development and white label
Eco-Adapt can develop custom features for customer with specific needs. Industrial customers often have custom electric systems : unusual voltage or frequency ranges, electrocmagnetic noise, specific harmonics … Eco-Adapt can customize its hardware to address specific measurement needs.
Additionnaly Eco-Adapt white labels its products for leading brands that need to extend their offerirngs with innovative prodcuts.

Research & development
Since its inception, Eco-adapt has been heavily investing in Research & Development. ADEME and BPI France sponsor several R&D projects carried by Eco-Adapt in the field of energy monitoring, energy efficiency and industrial productivity. Eco-Adapt can offer outsourced R&D effort.